The Library
One of my favorite projects to ever come from the forum was this collaborative community project of Sayornis, set in an alternate universe consisting of an infinite library akin to Borges's The Library of Babel. The Library is still ongoing and the thread in its third iteration is still active on the current version of the forum. Most of my Library posts are hosted on the current forum, though my first five are still only found on the Tapatalk forum—I intend to eventually move them to a more stable location.

My Library Contributions:
The Blackquill Epastetrophe
The Spider of the Book
The Edge of Existence
An Overview of Labyrinthine Troglobiota
⠀The Petrified Stacks: Part One, Part Two
Katrina: Eye on the Storm
Hex Seas
Under New Lights
Legends of the Library
Time, Vivisected
⠀Posthumanity and the Fall From Grace: Part One

⠀for Grouse's An Assorted Menagerie
⠀for Lorecin's Purrfect Specimens

Refrence Material:
A Compilation of Library Flora and Fauna
The Company
Many of my early, stand-alone spec works, including my aborted project Gigas, were loosely set within the same fictional framework: the Company was a mysterious organization hailing from some future Earth that possessed the ability to travel between alternate universes. While I never developed much for the overaching setting on or off the page, it proved a useful excuse to allow various posts to have a in-universe author, typically a Company surveyor. Though a total reimagining of the setting, I would later re-use the conventions of multiversal travel established in these posts for Airball.
Worlds of the Company
.....Cronus - A Future of Forests and Waves
.....Morozko - A World Ended by Ice
.....Gigas - An Earth Past the Beanstalk